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About My everyday thoughts and views Profile Name: IvyNick: Ironyv Age: 21 Gender: Female Birthday: 30 November Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Country: Singapore Interests: Makeup, Reading books, Reading manga, watching anime, listening to music, slacking Links JazerinezPaulSmith XiaoBai Interesting Links
Mumblings of Bubblemunche
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Wish List Digital CameraTo enroll into a makeup class To go Japan to see my host family To meet all the friends that I have been longing to meet (look below) Meeting List My polytechnic school mates: Jennifer, Changli, Jolene, Kiat, Grace, Sandy..etcMy ex company colleagues: Kelly, Liting, YingChao My cousins design by |
Thursday, January 06, 2005 Good Morning!~ I woke up pretty early by myself today...dreamed something that simply ended and I woke up after that.... -_-''
Anyway, morning is where I stoned and stared around till I adjust to my sleepy head...but I am quite okay now...I realised that the title format that I have chosen had forced me to write more specific topics...like for morning, I think I will touch on my usual mornings and maybe breakfast... Okay, breakfast...I don't think you would want to hear about my usual morning..they are boring...so..breakfast...I ate what my parents bought for me...but nowadays, I do not have to energy nor appetite to eat up those greasy but delicious breakie such as roti prata, 'zui' 'kui', bee hoon, etc... And I am slowly losing my appetite on most of my days too...of course, I have occasional urges to eat more...like during my pms periods and exam periods... One breakfast I really really love is Mcdonald's breakfast meals...they are like my favourite! Among the meals, I especially love the Big Breakfast and the Sausage McMuffin with Egg...the ingredients are the same, but Mcdonalds cooked in differently... Okay...next topic..New Year Clothes! Hmm...I have bought some clothes last year when I am still working and had never wore them yet! So, these clothes shall be my new year clothes as well...I will be going for T-shirt and jeans this year, so will be hanging out at Far East Plaza to buy my stuff..cheaper goods there too...Most likely buy one girly top and thats good enough for me..hehe....Fretting now because I am so consumed with my projects now and I might not be able to enjoy my new year at all..sigh... I am still searching answers for my religion...I am basically a buddhist/taoist...but I believe my family is slanted towards taoism...I admit I am a spiritual person, and would like to have a religion that suits me...some religion that can help to change me to be a better girl...Have been searching since last year, and I can say, Christianity is out of my way...not that I don't like christianity, but I can't find my answers there...and I am not bad mouthing any religion, because I respect them all...I only dislike the CHC thats all... I am looking for answers in Buddhism...no, I am not going to be nun, eat vegetables everyday and chant sutras till the end of my life...there are alot of buddhism teachings and I am looking at one of them now...Nichiren Shoshu is the biggest japanese buddhism sect in Japan. You can still do whatever things you want to do in your life, just that after you join the sect, you might think pubbing/clubbing is unneccessary...I don't know about me...because if I am really going to believe in Nichiren Shoshu, I might still go for pubbing, since I only have one life to live...but who knows, my mind will change for the better and I might become a more spiritual person (no, I won't float while meditating), become more gentle, less hot tempered, less mood swings..etc... ^__^ I am just worried about my family...Nichiren Shoshu is buddhism, but my main religion is still taoism...I would need to think about the clash and before I walked into this religion, I will want to seek approval from my family, my parents and my boyfriend..why boyfriend? Because he may well become my future husband and he will be in my life most of the time...so it is best if I seek opinions from these people... But one wonders, ain't religion supposed to be chosen by you and yourself only? Yes, my mind may soon belief in buddhism more than taoism, but my change will bring about changes to my family, to my friends and my boyfriend..so it is not easy for me to just change a religion like that...I guess if I wanted to be a christian, the change will be even bigger... -_-'' I guess I need more answers to buddhism before I decide...I am trying to find myself along the way...so at 21 years old, I need more time and space to look at my life... Okay, stop here for now...supposed to bath now to watch phantom of the opera with my boyfriend!!~~ >__< love him 'cos he didn't want to watch it but watch it with me when I have no one to watch with me!!!!!! Love you!!!