
My everyday thoughts and views


Name: Ivy

Nick: Ironyv

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Birthday: 30 November

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Country: Singapore

Interests: Makeup, Reading books, Reading manga, watching anime, listening to music, slacking





Interesting Links

Mumblings of Bubblemunche

The Calm One

XiaXue: The supposedly best blogger in Singapore


Wish List

Digital Camera

To enroll into a makeup class

To go Japan to see my host family

To meet all the friends that I have been longing to meet (look below)

Meeting List

My polytechnic school mates: Jennifer, Changli, Jolene, Kiat, Grace, Sandy..etc

My Secondary School friends: Shan and Jianwei

My ex company colleagues: Kelly, Liting, YingChao

My cousins

design by

!ndomitable >> Jeeohdee

Thursday, April 07, 2005



Sorry...I am just ranting over the fact that I have NO IDEA how to start my frigging individual assignment that is due on the 14th of April. We are supposed to compare 2 media vehicles from the three media (Print, TV and Radio) and come up with a managerial report of 20-25 pages.

I have no idea how to start in the first place.

Yes, I do have the information, but I do not know what should I write in that assignment...sigh...is already 7th April...a week for me to rush it out...sigh...

Okay, on a more depressing issue, I am feeling pangs of loneliness nowadays.

I used to be more immune to loneliness; being alone is fine for me in the past. But it is only recently that I find myself feeling lonely...and I do not like it. I find myself seeking company with friends and family simply because I can't stand being lonely anymore.

If I am not wrong, I believe the lonely rides to and fro to school on a bus is getting on my nerves. I have to take an hour and 15 mins ride from home to my school and I do it alone all the time. I would stare out the bus, looking at the passing scenary and dream. I would be listening to music, mouthing the songs out.

But I am all alone. No one to talk to, just the window image of myself.

Sigh...I really should be more independent, like I am when I was younger.

ironyv at Thursday, April 07, 2005

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