
My everyday thoughts and views


Name: Ivy

Nick: Ironyv

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Birthday: 30 November

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Country: Singapore

Interests: Makeup, Reading books, Reading manga, watching anime, listening to music, slacking





Interesting Links

Mumblings of Bubblemunche

The Calm One

XiaXue: The supposedly best blogger in Singapore


Wish List

Digital Camera

To enroll into a makeup class

To go Japan to see my host family

To meet all the friends that I have been longing to meet (look below)

Meeting List

My polytechnic school mates: Jennifer, Changli, Jolene, Kiat, Grace, Sandy..etc

My Secondary School friends: Shan and Jianwei

My ex company colleagues: Kelly, Liting, YingChao

My cousins

design by

!ndomitable >> Jeeohdee

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Yeah, I am folding paper cranes now. On the bus, I fold them, on the computer table, I am folding them, with my classmates, with my family, alone. I am folding paper cranes.


Well, firstly, this is charitable work. Songhe, rice company, had indicated a crane charity event whereby the public can fold paper cranes and each paper crane is equivalent to one bowl of rice to the old folks homes in Singapore. So, here I am, folding the paper cranes to do a part in the charity event.

If you are reading this, and still has time to fold, regardless of how much you can fold, please bring it to Suntec City Convention hall 6. Event till 13 March 05.

How many do I have now? 200 and more!~

Anyway, recently I have come to terms with my 'friendship' with one of my classmates in my current school. I have been rather close to her during our schooling days. But what irks me about her is that she hurts me. No, not physical hurt, but more like a verbal insult.

I am a person who can't speak up for myself, as I found out. I do not know how to, not that I don't wish to. I can't stand up for myself by shooting right back at a person. Thus, I was under serious strain in trying to refrain myself from killing her. The first time I noticed that she is trying to put me off was whenever I pronounced a word wrongly. For instance, 'tier', which once I say it as 'tyre'. She looked at me, laughed and shook her head. This happens whenever I pronounce a word wrongly. She would just laughed at me, which to me, I find it really irritating and heart-arching.

Yes, I do not have a good command of English language. Yes, your language skills are so much better than me (she's an indian). But why do you have to laugh at me for my wrong? When I was with another person (a malay girl), she didn't laugh at me for my wrong pronouciations, she simply repeats it in the correct pronounciation.


Anyway, the latest verbal insult was when we went out for a movie. As we had our lunch together and was still rather early, we sat down and started chatting. She started telling me and another friend about her recently watched movie, The Long Engagement.

After we talked about that movie, I told them about the movies I have watched, Hitch and Howl's Moving Castle. I really love Howl's Moving castle, especially the main character Howl. He is really well-drawn, handsome and funny.

So I told them about that movie and how Howl is so cool and handsome. The next thing that she said really made me wince.


Okay, maybe I am a little too sensitive, but I just find that sentence really offending. No, I am not having a crush on an unreal character. But yes, I find him handsome. She went on to say that she can't believe that I fall in love with a cartoon character (ANIME!~ NOT CARTOON! -_-'').

Anyway, to add salt to my already bleeding wound, while we are watching Series of Unfortunate Events (there is a front section that is on this pixie animation character), she said, "You like this character too right, since it is a cartoon too? Like how you like the cartoon character in the other movie."

OMG...I just smiled and rolled my eyes, but I was rather angry. I mean, I was trying to share my movie watching with her but she just shot me back with such piercing words. And I am angry at myself for being unable to shoot her back. She made me feel I should never open my heart to her ever again.

I told my sister and my boyfriend and they both agreed she was rather mean to me and that this is not a friend you should have. Well, I am finally convinced. Initially, when she laughed at me, I defended her in my mind that she is just being reckless in how she talked, and she is still a good friend.

But the more I stayed with her, the more I get irritated at my uselessness to speak up and her mean behaviour. I've decided to just being platonic, to be just an aquaintance to her..thats all.

ironyv at Saturday, March 12, 2005

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