
My everyday thoughts and views


Name: Ivy

Nick: Ironyv

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Birthday: 30 November

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Country: Singapore

Interests: Makeup, Reading books, Reading manga, watching anime, listening to music, slacking





Interesting Links

Mumblings of Bubblemunche

The Calm One

XiaXue: The supposedly best blogger in Singapore


Wish List

Digital Camera

To enroll into a makeup class

To go Japan to see my host family

To meet all the friends that I have been longing to meet (look below)

Meeting List

My polytechnic school mates: Jennifer, Changli, Jolene, Kiat, Grace, Sandy..etc

My Secondary School friends: Shan and Jianwei

My ex company colleagues: Kelly, Liting, YingChao

My cousins

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!ndomitable >> Jeeohdee

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Got it from my friend's blog..here goes!

Name 4 books on your bookshelf:
1. Cookery and baking books. Always buy and never use..sigh..
2. My files and textbooks...
3. Perfume--> Boss Intense..Love it!~
4. Photo albums...I have no space to put them else where..lol

Name 4 VCDs in your collection:
1. Chicago~!
2. Amelie
3. Spirited Away...is an anime and I love it!
4. More animes..haha

Name 4 things on your walls:
1. Bleach manga poster
2. Wall
3. Wall
4. Wall (I actually put some MAC post cards...but my mum ask me to take them down..lol

Name 4 things in your closet:
1. Clothes in my wardrobe
2. Old files with my notes from polytechnice
3. More textbooks
4. Some handbags..yah, i kept them in my closet 'cos there is no space to put in my room..lol

Name 4 songs/CDs in your music collection (playlist or other):
1. Gackt
2. Maroon 5
3. Ayumi Hamasaki
4. Robbie Williams >__<

Name 4 real life stores you shop at regularly:
1. Tenchi...for manga..haha
2. Shops in orchard..where I get my clothes..
3. Kinokuniya
4. hmm...I can't think of anything else..lol...OH! MAC or Clinique!

Name 4 animals that you've come face-to-face with in real life:
1. Cats
2. Dogs.
3. Fishes.
4. Monitor lizard in nature reserve

Name 4 things in your wallet/purse:
1. Cards, lots of them..my debit card, my nets card, my membership cards, name cards, ezlink card, my student card....
2. money lah~
3. receipts...always forget to take them out..haha
4. Calendar...yah..hahah

Thats all for now..lol

ironyv at Saturday, April 16, 2005

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