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About My everyday thoughts and views Profile Name: IvyNick: Ironyv Age: 21 Gender: Female Birthday: 30 November Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Country: Singapore Interests: Makeup, Reading books, Reading manga, watching anime, listening to music, slacking Links JazerinezPaulSmith XiaoBai Interesting Links
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Monday, April 18, 2005 Lets start with Chinese...or mandarin language. Why am I bringing this up?
Well, thats because yesterday, in one of her craze moods, my mum instructed my little sister ( who is going to polytechnic) to write her a chinese composition and to give her 17 chinese words with sample sentences or zhao ju. Yes, that is supposedly done when you are still studying in secondary school. But my mum thinks that we should improve in our mandarin and not dumping it into the river. My little sister was pissed. She had a B3 for chinese, excuse me. But then again, she is going to polytechnic and had no interest in pursuing this language at all. Both of us are actually more interested in japanese language than chinese language. But that doesn't mean that we do not speak or read mandarin. We do! I speak Mandarin more than English now and I read chinese translated japanese manga. My sister does that too. It is just that Mandarin is too demanding, and if you are really intending to be a chinese language teacher, or setting a business that deals with Chinese clients, you can say goodbye to learning Mandarin. Basic Mandarin is a must, and I do have basic knowledge in the language. But I think in the long run, English language will still be the universal language. The reason why my mum acted that way is because China market is currently the biggest market and has the largest potential. Thus, she thinks that the future customers will mostly be the Chinese and they will rather speak their native language than English. That reminds me of something that a teacher of mine told me. She told me that in France, if you speak in English, they won't be bothered and would still speak French to you. But if you are smart, and you speak in your native language first, e.g. Mandarin, they would reply in English and see if you understand them. (This information might not be true now, but I am not sure too...) My mum actually told us that she would also forced my elder sister and I to do chinese compositions as well. T_T...I am totally speechless, while my elder sister was irritated. Whatever! Oh, and Singapore's going to have not one, but two casinos! Great! Good for the economy, more people will have jobs and we will have a better life. On the other hand, higher crime rates, more people dwelling into gambling world, more secret societies and more suicide rates...are casinos that necessary? Well, in my own opinion, I think it really depends on the government. If the government does an excellent job, we can ensure that our life will be a ok. But we shouldn't just rely on just the government to tell us what to do. Singaporeans should be proactive! I mean, really, I feel we Singaporeans always depend on the government when we need help, when we are unhappy with something, when we are in financial trouble. Somehow, we are very dependent on our government. It is not not good, but it is not good either... And somehow, I feel Singaporeans' kiasuism is really an irritating thing. We even have advertisements that featured kiasuim! Like the NKF advertisement on donating using sms and win free gifts. I find that advertisement a really good example because it basically shows a man who was about to have his lunch picked up his phone to donate through sms because he overheard some people who say that they win some good prizes after sms-ing. Firstly, that is a very kiasu move. Secondly, aren't you suppose to donate because you want to, because you want to help the kidney failure patients? Instead of promoting that kind of desirable behaviour, we are promoting the fact that 'got prize, then i will donate' kind of mentality. That angers me alot. Look at the tsunami aid. That was very successful, without any prizes to offer, people still donate. But I believe after the tsunami disaster, everyone kinda felt tired of donating, thus NKF has to go through that kind of extreme. But I still dislike it. I would rather they use those money on their needy patients. *coughs* I think I have touched on more than two topics actually..but who cares! *shrugs*