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About My everyday thoughts and views Profile Name: IvyNick: Ironyv Age: 21 Gender: Female Birthday: 30 November Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Country: Singapore Interests: Makeup, Reading books, Reading manga, watching anime, listening to music, slacking Links JazerinezPaulSmith XiaoBai Interesting Links
Mumblings of Bubblemunche
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Wish List Digital CameraTo enroll into a makeup class To go Japan to see my host family To meet all the friends that I have been longing to meet (look below) Meeting List My polytechnic school mates: Jennifer, Changli, Jolene, Kiat, Grace, Sandy..etcMy ex company colleagues: Kelly, Liting, YingChao My cousins design by |
Monday, October 18, 2004 Normal day: a day where you will have your usual routine done without any interuption.
Do you wish you have a perfectly normal day? OR would you prefer to have an odd day where your day is totally unexpected!? Well, I have one of those days where it can be a perfectly normal day. I was walking to the bus stop to take a bus when I saw a big black and greyish furball strolling towards me. Looking at it more closely, I saw a cute (literally cute!!) black furish puppy strolling along the path and sniffing the ground. I looked around and found that the puppy was alone. But since it is near a flat where there are ground floor homes, I thought he might be one of those home pets. I walked away, happy to see a cute dog before me. When I reached the busstop, a dog basket cage caught my eye. Immediately, I thought of the puppy that I saw and believed that it was the dog's. Unfortunately, I was too shocked and unsure of what to do and I board the bus, thinking about the dog throughout the trip. Finally, while I was on the train, I called up the SPCA to report on the might be abandoned dog. Unfortunately, the officer said that the dog had to be confined in order for them to pick the dog up. Unable to do anything, I called my two friends who lived near my place and asked them to take note of the dog. When I came home, I tried to look around for any signs of the dog but he was gone. Disappointed, I returned home to have my dinner. But while i was having dinner, my friend called me and said that she saw the dog and it is at her home area. She said that she is unable to bring it home and she will go home to have dinner and I shall come over once I finished mine. When I reached there, both my friend and I searched the whole area, but we never saw the dog. After an hour or so, we ended our search and call it a day...disappointed though... I should have never board the bus...If i haven't board it, I will be able to save the puppy from being alone and hungry...well...i learnt my lesson...sigh...
Sunday, October 10, 2004 Oh well...I have lots of things I want to say yesterday but when I reached the page where I have to type in stuff, I can't write out anything...Guess I am not a writer material. Lets talk about the whole week.
Monday: Had my lesson with a incompetent teacher. He can't teach! He is old, and is just a local lecturer in substitute of our Curtin University lecturer. And for our project, he added an additional 3000 words report for us other than the presentation! Didn't he realise that we are dying with so much workload and there he is, giving more work that are UNNECESSARY! Sigh... Tuesday: Had to work today at HD...this is my last week so I was kinda sad and happy at the same time. A boring day today... but I bought a pair of flip flops as my current one had worn off. Wednesday: Met up with my team mates from one of the modules to do some survey work. Unfortunately, being so naive, we went to the busy area in the morning, only to realise that on weekdays, the people we wanted to interview are all at work. Damn...did only 3 survey sheets and slag the whole day. But things got better in the evening. Went with my boyfriend to catch the movie White Chicks...It is so cool...(please read my previous post). Went back home happily..yeah.. Thursday: Slag off the first half of my day...Tried to finish up my project part in the afternoon with little determination. Catch the Idol show in the evening only to realise the events went from bad to worst. I can't stand that 'idiot' who is still standing after so many elimination! He can't sing, he acts so confidently just because he is still there...and I must say, I admire his tolerance...everyone hates him, including the judges..but he is still there! Some says that he is rich, some says he used his church, some says he has alot of friends who vote for him...I say shit to him! If he isn't out by the next elimination, I am not intending to catch the show any further...sickening fellow... Friday: Had my meeting today with the other team...the meeting sucked big time...we never finished our stuff and the project wasgoing nowhere...there are only a girl and myself who were voicing out more and the other 2 girls were not contributing...well...the girl that wasn't contributing at all was the vietnamese girl...I like her frankly, but as a group mate...I guess I have chosen the wrong person... Saturday: Nothing exceptional...met my boyfriend and spent a day with him. Watched the animation Naruto as well...cool anime! Sunday: Went to work at HD today...my very last day...mixed emotions but I have to force myself to make a decision. Anyway, I came home and watched the last episode of a chinese drama and now here I am, surfing the net and writing up my post of the...week..=) Maybe I should do that more often...a weekly update!
Wednesday, October 06, 2004 I've just watched this movie about 2 hours ago. It was hilarious! Apparently it is mostly slapstick, but some of the things are so stupid and funny, it draws people's attention. I mean, here are 2 blacks from the FBI who passed off by being gals that are similar to the Hilton sisters. How stupid is that?!
Yet, somehow they are humourous and the supporting crew as well...especially the black guy who loves Vanessa Carlton's Thousand miles...literally...ahah....it is so funny when he actually sang and mimic the actions like a blonde babe... And when the thief took a handbag from one of the guys, he (under the gal's disguise), ran and hurled at the thief. The guy asked, "all that for a handbag? (something like that)" and the guy in the girl's disguise said "Thats no ordinary handbag...thats Prada!" That is so Girl power! Okay, I am over reacting, but who cares!? That is a girl flick with the two males as leads...seriously...who would have thought of that...such plot surprises people...which is good 'cos if all the flicks are so predictable, there will be a no-show in any movies from then on... I am reading a book called The Dark is Rising. Though it is a teenage book, it is quite 'deep' as well. I have just read the Da Vinci Code before this book and I must say, the book blew me away. I can't wait to finish the current book and start on another Dan Brown's novel called Angels and Demons. Cramped up with projects and more projects...wished I have more time...sigh...
Sunday, October 03, 2004 I am now in a dilema. I am currently a student, doing distance-learning degree from a reputable Australian University...when I finished my polytechnic studies, I have contemplated studying overseas in Australia, but I never did it in the end.
However, I learnt now that I can be transferred over to the campus itself and be a student in the actual campus. I wanted so much to go next year, but I am afraid that my parents might not accept it... Plus, I have initially wanted to go with a friend of mine who had the intention to study a semester in the actual campus. But she might not be going at the same timing as I am and thus, I might go alone. If it is so, it will be a new but nervous experience for me. On the other hand, I wanted to enjoy this experience, being myself, without anyone nagging at my messiness (I swear, if I have my own room, I will be really neat!). I wished to have that experience before I started my life in the corporate world. But I wonder should I really do it. I have thought of taking up Japanese language lessons from next year onwards. Thus, if i decided to go Australia, I have to forsake my language lessons, which I have wanted to take up for so long. Thus, this is my dilema. To go or not to go. A killer...sigh... I have just taken a inkblot test about my subconscious... here is the analysis: your subconscious mind is driven most by Peace You have a deeply-rooted desire to make peace in the world. Whether through subtle interactions with loved ones, or through getting involved in social causes, it is important to you to be able to influence the world in a positive way. You have a deep respect for humankind. You care about the future of the world, even beyond your own involvement in it, and you inspire others to feel the same way. Your innate drive toward peace guides you in daily life towards decisions that are respectful toward yourself and others. Your psyche is very rich; the more you learn about it, the more you will understand who you really are. I wonder whether it is true...