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About My everyday thoughts and views Profile Name: IvyNick: Ironyv Age: 21 Gender: Female Birthday: 30 November Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Country: Singapore Interests: Makeup, Reading books, Reading manga, watching anime, listening to music, slacking Links JazerinezPaulSmith XiaoBai Interesting Links
Mumblings of Bubblemunche
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Wish List Digital CameraTo enroll into a makeup class To go Japan to see my host family To meet all the friends that I have been longing to meet (look below) Meeting List My polytechnic school mates: Jennifer, Changli, Jolene, Kiat, Grace, Sandy..etcMy ex company colleagues: Kelly, Liting, YingChao My cousins design by |
Friday, December 31, 2004 sorry...I can't help feeling sad and depressed...I can't pretend that I am happy for the coming New Year...2004 was a good year...until now...
What made nature so determined to set off a major disaster nearing New Year? I really don't know...Although I lived in Singapore, and we ain't affected due to the geographical location, I feel sad for the Aceh residents. The loss of young ones were the most terrible thing to happen...and it happened...I feel for them, although it was a extremist town. Note 'was' because the whole city was ruined and the doors of Aceh are opened to the worldwide aid... I have always felt New Year was something worth celebrating...this year however, PM Lee said that we should still celebrate, but with the understanding of the disaster, we should do it discreetly...I understand his words very well...I can't really enjoy the holidays and fun when many miles away, people are left without home, without comfort, even without their family. I am so sorry for them... Looking at the news everyday was depressing...I shall stop now...Happy New Year people...enjoy your life and cherish your loved ones...
Tuesday, December 28, 2004 Had found out about the tidal waves disaster this morning. My condolences to the victims and their families. I wished this had never happened but all things happened for a reason.
After this disaster...I realised that life is really unpredictable...rather depressed now...am stopping my blog now..='(
Sunday, December 26, 2004 AHHH!!!! my dad just switched off my internet explorer which is my still incomplete blog post while I was doing some business on the phone....damn...
Anyway, as I was writing, I had a great christmas week...busy indeed. The christmas spirit was in my head actually...made a few bookmarks for my school classmates and bought a illustration book for my younger sister and a haversack for my boyfriend. I had written how I bought my boyfriend's bag...but I think I am too tired to say it now...sigh... Anyway, I had signed up for elementary japanese course...starting next year. Yes...I failed my qualifying test...sobs... Went to the Baka Matsuri event at expo today...is a cosplay event actually. What is cosplay? Basically, it is people who dressed up in anime characters or gothic costumes and parade around. Although it is weird, it is kinda cool after awhile, and you might even feel that you are not the normal person there, because the majority are in their costumes! I find it interesting though, looking at these people cosplaying their favorite characters and posing for pictures...the event place looked like a mini Harajuku! In the hall, there were people selling their fan or original arts to the public and their art are really good! Most of them are girls and their arts are really beautiful. I left with a happy and lighthearted mind...hehe Am listening to Electrico's album now...Electrico is a Singaporean band and they have been around for 5 years.. Their songs have major airing in Perfect 10 987FM and had toured around Australia and did shows in Singapore too. I loved their songs in their new album "So Much More Inside" so I decided to buy it..I wasn't disappointed...they are good! =P
Friday, December 17, 2004 hahahahahah!!!! Finally, after 3 long weeks of waiting, my makeover photos are finally out!!! hahaha....
Okay, not all the photos are good, but I am generally satisfied with my photos. Although it is very expensive, I feel that it is worth it...maybe I should have makeovers every now and then...that is of course, when I started working... Technology makes wonders...beauty wonders of course...look at my pictures!! They have my red BCG scar on my left hand removed!! I am so happy!! =P (Okay, I am over exaggerating...) By the way, before I collected my photos, I went to the JCS(Japanese Cultural Society) to take a qualifying test for the Japanese Intermediate lesson. Unfortunately, it is a situation whereby you feel that you are completely useless. Once I looked at the paper, I knew I was going to fail it. It was the 2004 elementary test paper damn it! I knew how to read Hiragana, but the words are so remote to me, I couldn't help staring at the paper, with my heart dropping all the way to my bowels. I managed to write in a sentence or two, a word or two...but thats all I could manage...ahahahha... I even have time to listen to this stupid girl who is arguing with the admin staff outside the classroom. (I was the only one taking the test at that moment) She was trying to register for the japanese class but it was listed on the board that the class registration starts at 26th December. One of the memorable sentences she spoke was :"We are taking the Master's degree, and we wouldn't have time to come all the way here to register" Okay...so you are in the Master's class...so? Apparently, I have seen alot of well-educated people who believes that with higher education, they can most probably change any organisations' operations just by complaining.. (Okay...this is coming from my working experience in the bank industry) Okay, maybe I am just being subjective...but I just don't get it? What makes them think that they can change anything just by complaining and arguing? What I don't get it is that they should be smart enough to realise that all companies have their own limitations and 'rules', so they should just shut up and compromise. sigh... The girl proceeds to ask about the qualifying test. Here is the conversation between the girl and the admin staff. Girl: I have taken the japanese course in my uni before...so do I have to start from the elementary course? Staff: Well, which school did you study in? Girl: NTU Staff: Okay, you may try for the intermediate course. Girl: But it has been a long time since I took the course Staff: Okay, or maybe you wish to start from elementary Girl: But I don't want to start from stratch Staff: Okay, why don't you take the test and see if you can try for the intermediate course Okay, I have to stop here because somewhere during the conversation, my mind manages to spot a question that I knew and proceed to answer that particular question. Thus, my reception of the conversation have been muffled. But, after I have attempted five questions, the girl is still carrying on with how long she had stopped taking the language course and trying to find an alternative way to take the intermediate course without taking the test... Troublesome little girl. And to think that she is older than me. Okay...I shall stop minding other people's business. Maybe that should be my new new year resolution..which I never attempt to attain....urgh... Okay...I think this is the longest blog I have posted!!! ;P Ciaos!
Wednesday, December 15, 2004 Finally gotten my results for my subjects. Not good, but not bad either. Not good because these 2 subjects are subjects that I have took before during my polytechnic studies. Unfortunately, I did not do any better for these 2 subjects.
Not bad because I thought I was going to fail one of it, and the other most likely would be a border line case. However, to my surprise, I managed to score a 6 and 7 (credit and distinction) for both subjects. In singlish, Heng Ah!!! Anyway, I realised that today is actually an unlucky day for me. Firstly, I had a big stool dropping onto my big toe in the morning (and it still hurts, damn it!) and then I have no more value in my ezlink card. Thus, when I board the bus and tap it, there is the "TETETETE" sound going off. Looking into my purse, I realise that....there was no coins in my purse! ARGH!!! I have to apologise to the annoyed bus driver and pretend to look paiseh (actually no need to pretend, I am paiseh). Fortunately, the bus I took was a short ride to Boon Lay bus interchange. All else for fine until my ride back home after my lecture. I was sitting behind this old man who was happily taking up 2 seats. One seat with his butt, the other with his bag. As the journey goes on, there are other passengers who boarded the bus. Good thing was that he withdrew his bag in the end. You may wonder why I said unlucky...well reason being I saw him digging his nose...and putting whatever stuff he had in his nose onto the bus window beside him. ARGH!!! MAJOR DISGUST! So, now you know why you should never lean against the window. -_-'' And when I came home from school, my mum had conveniently suggested that she saw a lovely table at the furniture shop below my block and want to buy it for me. Now, there are two ways to approach her 'suggestion'. One, either I insist in buying the preplanned IKEA table and hopefully she will understand, or Two, allow her to do so. Unfortunately, if you do not know by now, my mum is a Thus, I decided to compromise by telling her I will go down and look at the table and see how it is. sigh...my head is going to burst if more of her antics pops out every now and then. Sigh...
Saturday, December 11, 2004 It has been barking for the past few months. I don't find the collie annoying but occasionally, when I am trying to sleep at night and you could hear his barking, it gets to your nerves. The dog belongs to the neighbour that is right below our unit. It is a huge dog, unsuitable for a pet in a HDB flat. Unfortunately, there isn't any inspection or anything.
My other neighbours on the same storey had been complaining about the barking. "Aiyoh, so loud...such an annoying dog!" one malay neighbour said. "I'm going to complain to the HDB and get them to something," my chinese neighboured grumbled. Okay, I know that the dog has been hitting on alot of peoples' nerves, including mine. But I know the reason why it has been barking. One day, when I am washing the dishes, I could hear the dog barking very loudly. I looked down where I could see the balcony of the unit below and I saw the collie, leashed and tied to the balcony grill. It seems to be uncomfortable and alone. I wonder why did the neighbour had the collie in the first place. If they knew that the collie is huge, they shouldn't have taken it in the first place. Furthermore, leashing it at the balcony where the sun might burn him, or the rain would wet him isn't doing the dog any good at all. I am seriously contemplating to report the incident to the SPCA...but I wonder what can the Singapore SPCA do? I have watched the Australian's SPCA and the US and UK SPCA, and they have a proper unit to take care of such cases. But in the tiny weenie Singapore, such unit is too small. Not many people are willing to do such jobs. Furthermore, punishment for animal abuse in Singapore is minimal. No one takes it seriously. However, Singapore has been a rather civilised country, thus the animal abuse are minimal as well. If I call SPCA, SPCA will come in and they might take away the dog. Unfortunately, if the collie isn't adopted within a few months period, they would have to put it down. Urgh...this is a difficult issue here...I will have to think about it more...-_-''
It is just a normal day today...woke up late, slacked around at home and just practically did nothing. But went out with my two sisters in the afternoon to IKEA to look at the study tables and storage space.
Stayed there for a couple of hours before I went off to meet my polytechnic friends. One of my poly friends had came back to Singapore for a study break (she's studying in Australia) and I am meeting her for the first time since half a year ago. Meeting my poly friends brings nostalgic memories and we chit chat, laughed while munching on the la mian and xiao long bao in Crystal Jade. After our dinner, we proceeded to the Alley Bar at the Paranakan Place to have some drinks before we call it a day. Unfortunately...we had a little misunderstanding with the staff there, thus, we had to pay for the full price of the four drinks we orders instead of a 40% off the entire bill...hahaha...it is truly a funny experience. The ambience of the whole bar is great... I have walked past it in the afternoon before but it is during the night time that brings out the captivating effect...We ordered a drink called Margareta (i think this is the right spelling) and it was like the frozen mango tango drink at the Coffee Club Express that I had years ago in my polytechnic. Except that this is much more expensive and had a tinge of alchohol in it. My boyfriend came later and after a few minutes, we left for home... Though I would love to stay longer, I knew that I can't stretch my limits to far...or else I might be grounded by my parents or something...well...at least I reached home before 12 midnight. I like going to that bar though...hope I can go there again...not to drink but to enjoy that lovely ambience. *yawns* good nitey!
Tuesday, December 07, 2004 I have just watched the finale for The American's Next Top Model. Basically, this show is about a group of model wannabe who wanted to win the modelling contract and be deemed the top model in America.
Looking back at my past, I have always been teased by my own relatives. The following happened during almost every Chinese New Year: auntie 1: Aiyoh, you grown so tall already ah...can be model loh...go try lah! I: Er...no lah...I not tall lah...not pretty too. auntie 2: Hah! Where got! You are so tall, then so pretty...can be a model loh. I: Er...no lah...-_-'' (repeat the entire situation a couple of times and repeat it again every time there is a major family gathering) I must say...among all my friends, I am tall. At 1.71m, it is no wonder why my relatives reacted this way. But although I am tall, I wasn't pretty. When I was in secondary school, right to my first year in polytechnic, I was a pimply bespectacled girl who was unappealing and tomboyish. That is the reason why I never thought of becoming a model. Me with my pimply and ugly face would disgrace the Singapore model industry! At 21 (I've just passed my big 21), I have learnt to be more forgiving to myself and as I have maintained a good cleansing routine, I got rid of big acnes. Though my face is not a perfect face, I learnt to accept it (Of course, there is the wonderful word call make-up to help make my life better). I must say, looking at the judges in TANTM, they seemed to be voting for Mercedes...but the surprise turnout to be Yoanna who won...I guess Yoanna's face does seemed to the factor that won over Mercedes...Ah well...beauty makes wonders...don't you think?