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About My everyday thoughts and views Profile Name: IvyNick: Ironyv Age: 21 Gender: Female Birthday: 30 November Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Country: Singapore Interests: Makeup, Reading books, Reading manga, watching anime, listening to music, slacking Links JazerinezPaulSmith XiaoBai Interesting Links
Mumblings of Bubblemunche
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Wish List Digital CameraTo enroll into a makeup class To go Japan to see my host family To meet all the friends that I have been longing to meet (look below) Meeting List My polytechnic school mates: Jennifer, Changli, Jolene, Kiat, Grace, Sandy..etcMy ex company colleagues: Kelly, Liting, YingChao My cousins design by |
Monday, February 28, 2005 It is 2am in the morning and I am sleepy, but I can't sleep until I finished blogging this post.
I have just log into my friendster and was reading through my friends' profiles to update myself about their lives. I was glancing through the profiles when I spotted one of friend's profile has stated 'single'. I actually found out a month ago from my other friend that her long relationship had broke off and am now currently single. I felt sad because it was a long relationship, and when we were still together in school, I felt their mutual love for one another. But more than a year had passed and both of them had broke off. I personally do not know the reason, and I shall not attempt to guess why. All I know was that the relationship that was once wonderful had ended. The reason why I posted this is because I actually continued my friendster voyage and clicked into her ex-boyfriend's profile. And boy was I shocked. In my mind, I assume that he would be single as well...but he was actually with another girl now. I shan't judge and I shan't speculate about the relationship. My blogging here is due a tightness in my heart. When i saw those pictures of him with another girl, I felt sad, because it is now then I realise, how a relationship can end, and another can just pop up. I am frightened, because i do not want this to happen to me as well, to have my relationship end just like that. You can say I am also mourning for that failed relationship, although that relationship is not mine. I guess that pairing is not meant to be, and I sincerely wished my friend would find her one true love. For my own relationship, I will still put all my heart in it. It takes two hands to clap, and I will continue putting my love and heart into it. But for now, let me just feel depressed, since the tightness hasn't gone yet.
Thursday, February 24, 2005 hehe...MY EXAM IS OVER!~ YAY!~ Now I can enjoy my 1 week break before the new term starts...yes...it is that fast...sigh...
Minna san (everyone), what does 21 means to you? As in when you are 21, what does it means to you? Do you feel the urge to do something stupid? Do you feel that you are lacking out in something in life? Do you feel your life is getting to the end in a couple of years time? At 21+ years old, I feel my life is catching up on me. In a few more months, I will graduate and start my actual working life in the corporate world. IT IS SUCH A SCARY THOUGHT!~ No longer can I slack the whole day doing nothing at home. No longer can I watch the television, listen to music, surf the net the whole day. No longer do I have free time at my disposal. Furthermore, at 21 years old, I felt that I have alot of needs and wants unfulfilled. I am still looking for my identity, my goal in life. I haven't experience everything life has to offer! I am freaking out!~ o_0 sigh...I guess I can't do everything at the same time, but I decided to spread out the things I want to do and fulfill my needs and wants when I am working as well. I hope I will by then be a fulfilled person and be a happy person too! ^_^
Thursday, February 17, 2005 Yes...changed my blog skin again...this is more of my style, and everything is out in one page instead of mutiple pages...Had also removed my tag board because it seems to be rather useless...ahah...
Have to find a way to include comments to my blog...the blog skin template doesn't had that...-_-''
Tuesday, February 15, 2005 I decided to stick to 2 topics a post...this way, my blog will not be as long as a whale..
How's your Chinese New Year? Mine is alright, the places to visit for the first and second day has always never change. Met my cousins and relatives, said our "Hi and How are you?" and ate lots of goodies..am growing fat at this rate. Went to my boyfriend's side for visiting as well on the fourth day. His 2 sisters had gave birth (One's a month ago, the other's a few weeks). The babies are very CUTE!~ ^_^ Had a good time looking at the babies, chit chatting with his siblings and just being with my boyfriend. Frankly speaking, My CNY this year isn't that eventful...I felt the routine that we had for day 1 and 2 extremely boring, there is no change at all..And not all of my relatives whom I have visited are of close relations with me (and my siblings) 'cos these relatives are of my parents' generation. So what we did was to sit infront of the Television, eat goodies or talk to ourselves. The only time I really enjoyed was the restaurant treat that my father's second brother had on day 3 ( had a lot of fun talking to my cousins and carrying my niece around.) and day 4. Shall stop my CNY mumblings and start on Valentines Day. Ah..A day where couples are seen flocking around in busy shopping locations and restaurants. Well, I had mine with both my friends and my boyfriend. Went to bugis for lunch with my uni classmates and met my boyfriend after that for awhile in Jurong Point. I wasn't expecting anything 'cos we are planning to celebrate it on Saturday but I was surprised to see a bouquet of roses for me! Although we met for awhile, I felt it was a wonderful short date I had with my boyfriend. ^_^ Alot of people are rather cynical about VD, but other than the commercialism of that day, it is also a day where couples re-declare their love for one another, a day where they will want to stop their work just to be with their loved ones. Of course, we should always, always believe in our love everyday rather than just depend on one single day in february...haha... To everyone of you, HAPPY BELATED VALENTINES DAY AND MAY LOVE ALWAYS BE WITH YOU! ^_^
Wednesday, February 09, 2005 Hohoho!!~ Happy chinese new year to all of you! Wishing you all the luck you need this year and have a fabulous year ahead!
By the way, I hava changed my layout for my blog!~ Yippy~ Added a tag board in my blog as well, for people to chit chat! So come on, chat away~ ><
Tuesday, February 08, 2005 It has been a long long time since I have last updated this blog...Sorry blog...had neglected you so greatly...well...main reason for doing so is that I am seriously busy with my projects for this short study semester...gomen!~
Anyway, I decided to blog today because I simply had nothing to do, and I have some things that I wanted to say it out...As mentioned in the title, those are the things I am going to rant on today... I am sick and tired of entertaining people...come on, I think once in a while, everyone will get that sickening feeling and accusation to youself on why you have to entertain people. Well..that hit me now. I hate doing it sometimes, it is a habit, which I think most of us had. What I mean by entertaining is that when you don't feel like talking, but between you and the other person, there is only silence, you felt compelled to entertain; to say extra stuff just to break the silence. For certain people whom I met, I can speak to them and be very talkative...but when the topics dries up, or for people that I am not close with, it is hard for me to entertain them...ESPECIALLY online chats...that is one major thing I dislike. I had this friend whome I knew only a couple of months. And I hate talking to that friend because it is only a one-way communication. I am the one who started the chat, but after sometime, what I get from the friend is one or two sentence answers...which is IRRITATING ME!!!! After 2 tries, I finally give up chatting to that person...from then on, I seldom initiate chats because I don't wish to be the one entertaining the person I am keen to chat with... Other than online chats, there are certain moments in my life recently that I wondered why did I become an entertainer...I realise I am an entertainer when I am with people I don't really like or when I am not feeling talkative. And sometimes, I feel like a hypocrite... And I hate it every now and then... I never speak of it to anyone except to my boyfriend, but today I have to say it out, because something hit me this week...let me relate to you.. On saturday, I had an intensive seminar with our curtin lecturer...She is a very young and intelligent person and she impressed me. However, she is a strict and impartial person who can be seen as a super bitch. I don't think that she is a bitch actually, because I think as a lady lecturer, she has to gain certain respect to herself and make it known to her students that she is no pushover. Anyway, I had a classmate whom I often hanged out with. Apparently, she dislikes the lecturer, called her a bitch and she hate bitches..So anyway, during the break time, we were sitting at a table when the lecturer came over and sat with us. During our conversation with her, I can't help but noticed that the classmate of mine is happily smiling and talking to the lecturer. I mean, yah...she is the lecturer..so maybe thats why she is behaving that way...then anyway, the lecturer left for awhile to take more of the noodles she ate. When she left, my classmate said, "Oh man...I don't know why of all places she has to come and sit with us." I kept my silence throughout the conversation...ironic thing was that the lecturer was very interested in my classmate and was mainly talking to her...This incident reminds me yet again why we human beings have to be a hypocrite at times. And really, I hate it...but this thing will be ongoing forever, whether I like it or not. Okay, I had an irritating thing happening to me today...the stupid beautician had overplucked my eyebrows!!! MY EYEBROWS HAD BECOME A THIN LINE!!!!!!!!!! URGHHHHHHHH... -_-'' I am going to procastinate...my section on world shall leave it to another day to say...hahah....good night!~